MOH Dataflow process

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    MOH dataflow process

    moh dataflow process

    moh dataflow process

    Primary source verification (PSV) is the process of checking the educational background, training, experience as well as other credentials of all healthcare practitioners applying for MOH dataflow process registration and licensing in both the private and public healthcare sectors in the State of Qatar, Saudi, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, and Oman. Verification Agency DATA FLOW does PSV. We are Having 10 + Years Data flow Experts do everything to avoid mistakes and Hassle-free and fast exam application preparation, Experts, prepare your application FASTER which will SAVE you TIME. We at Digi Prime Tech providing services such as MOH dataflow process, MOH dataflow process registration for doctors, MOH dataflow process registration for dentists, MOH dataflow process registration for the lab technician, MOH dataflow process registration for nurses, MOH dataflow process registration for pharmacists, etc., contact us.

    What is the Primary Source Verification?

    Primary Source Verification (PSV) is the act of verifying the applicant documents directly from the original or primary source by a specialized international company called “Dataflow.” Verification will be for educational certificates, experience, health license, and a good standing certificate.

    Why is PSV necessary?

    PSV helps healthcare sectors to detect any non-genuine certificate. And accordingly, MOH will ensure that the professionals practicing in the Emirates of Dubai are legitimate and qualified. The process through which the MOH validates credentialing information from the institution that initially conferred or issued the credential (e.g., the authenticity of educational degrees). This is done through MOH’s partnership with Dataflow group. All health professionals must undergo the PSV process upon initial licensure application or license renewal (for licensed health professionals whose qualifications had not previously experienced PSV). Please note that each document only requires to be verified once. Health professionals may be necessary to repeat the PSV process for verification of newly acquired credentials/qualifications as needed for credentialing purposes (e.g., Acquisition of new educational degree).

    Documents Required for MOH dataflow process Registration

    • Passport Size Photo ( White Back Ground)
    • Passport Front and Back Page
    • S.L.C ( Secondary School Certificate)
    • Plus Two ( Higher Secondary)
    • Degree / Diploma Certificate
    • Registration Certificate (License)
    • Last 2 Years Experience Certificate for MOH
    • Basic Life Support (BLS) Certificate
    • Good Standing Certificate (Good Standing certificate is a certificate issued by the Medical Council / Regulatory body from where your previous license has been issued OR State Nursing Council. Of the last employer It is valid only for six months)
    • The candidate who has abroad Experience, License and Good standing Certificate from the Consent regulatory body is mandatory.
    Verifying Documents
    Dataflow Process
    Get License

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    #15, 12th cross, Maruthi Nagar, Madiwala, Bangalore-560068

    MOH dataflow process For Doctors | MOH dataflow process For Dentist

    moh dataflow process for doctors

    moh dataflow process for doctors

    Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for doctors to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the Dha dataflow process for doctors. contact us now for expert guidance. Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for Dha dataflow process for the dentist to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the MOH DAtaflow process for Dentist. contact us now for the expert guidance for MOH dataflow process for doctors|Dentist

    Why is PSV necessary?

    moh dataflow process for dentist

    moh dataflow process for dentist

    PSV helps healthcare sectors to detect any non-genuine certificate. And accordingly, MOH will ensure that the professionals practicing in the Emirates of Dubai are legitimate and qualified. The process through which the MOH validates credentialing information from the institution that initially conferred or issued the credential (e.g., the authenticity of educational degrees). This is done through MOH’s partnership with Dataflow group. All health professionals must undergo the PSV process upon initial licensure application or license renewal (for licensed health professionals whose qualifications had not previously experienced PSV). Please note that each document only requires to be verified once. Health professionals may be necessary to repeat the PSV process for verification of newly acquired credentials/qualifications as needed for credentialing purposes (e.g., Acquisition of new educational degree).

    Why Digi Prime Tech ?

    Why Digi Prime Tech ?

    • We are Professionals in Overseas Healthcare Consulting

    • Our Expertise Guidance To choose Best One

    • Our Commitment to complete the process in time

    • Our Training & Book Materials to Qualify Licensing Examination

    • 100% Placement Assistance and hassle free service

    Medical Professionals







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      Training & Book Materials

      Effective training & Book Materials for all medical professionals to clear license examinations

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      MOH dataflow process For Nurses | MOH dataflow process For Pharmacist

      moh dataflow process for nurses

      moh dataflow process for nurses

      moh dataflow process for pharmacist

      moh dataflow process for pharmacist

      Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for Nurse to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the MOH dataflow process for Nurse. contact us now for the expertise guidance. Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for Pharmacist to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the MOH dataflow process for pharmacist. contact us now for expert guidance. MOH dataflow process for nurses|pharmacist

      Our Testimonials

      MOH dataflow process For Physiotherapist | MOH dataflow process For Medical Lab Technician

      moh dataflow process for physiotherapist

      moh dataflow process for physiotherapist

      moh dataflow process for medical lab technician

      moh dataflow process for medical lab technician

      Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for Physiotherapist to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the Dha dataflow process for physiotherapist. contact us now for expert guidance. Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for Medical lab technician to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the MOH dataflow process for Medical lab technician. contact us now for expert guidance.

      MOH dataflow process For Radiographers | MOH dataflow process For All Allied Healthcare

      moh dataflow process for radiographers

      moh dataflow process for radiographers

      moh dataflow process for all allied healthcare

      moh dataflow process for all allied healthcare

      Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for Radiographers to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the Dha dataflow process for radiographer. contact us now for the expertise guidance. Overseas Healthcare Consultant Will help you to complete the dataflow process for MOH dataflow process for allied healthcare to work in Dubai in order to fulfill their requirements. the below will take the requirements for the MOH dataflow process for allied healthcare. contact us now for expert guidance.

      Contact Us Now

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        (M) : +91 9632862282 / +91 9632862330.

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        #15, 12th cross, Maruthi Nagar, Madiwala, Bangalore-560068

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