About Overseas Healthcare Consultant
Digi prime tech pvt ltd is an Indian corporation Recruitment consultancy and institute provides our services for medical or Healthcare professional. It has headquarters in Bengaluru , Karnataka, India . About overseas healthcare consultant our goal is to be the leader in the creation of medical professional that matter to million of candidates. We are the providers of MOH, DHA , HAAD, QCHP,OMSB, SLE assistance for Documentation ( Data flow ) , Exam registration & Placement for Doctor , Dentist, Nurses , Radiographers , Optometric , Medical lab technician , Pharmacists .We help for the specialist doctors to get well prepared for exam i.e. Ophthalmologist , anesthesia , Orthopedic surgeon , Respiratory medicine , gynecologist , Dermatology ,Pediatric, Cardiology, Neurology Obstetric, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Intensive care medicine and Plastic Surgery etc. We provide help for dentist specialist also such as Dento-maxillofacial radiology ,Endodontic, Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oral medicine, Oral pathology ,Oral surgery ,Orthodontic , Pediatric dentistry ,Periodontics , Prosthodontics etc. Allied professional such as Pharmacist, Physiotherapy , Medical Lab technician / Technologist , Radiographer , Dietitians ,Occupational therapy, Psychology etc. We help as well for ayurvedic doctors who has completed BHMS , BAMS .
We provide complete study material package enabling our candidate to focus on passing the exam . It is proud to say , We have placed N no of Doctors , Dentist , Allied professional in the UAE in Renowned hospitals with good pay scale .We do have clients in middle east where we can help to you to make your bright future . We have qualitative work which makes us different from others i.e. Document review without any charges which enable the candidates to collect all the documents & We are helping to get job in middle east without any processing charges. We commit the candidate to complete process on time and we fulfill as well.