Licensing Exams
Medical licensing Examinations
We help you to register for licensing exams DHA , MOH , HAAD After Completion of data flow candidate has to get register for exam .All the healthcare profession i.e. Doctor , Dentist , Nurses , Radiographers , Optometric , Medical lab technician , Pharmacists can write exam in India accept AYUVEDIC DOCTOR . We provide exam registration service for Qatar , Oman and Saudi without data flow .

medical licensing examinations
Doctors : We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow . Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after MBBS Degree and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MS , MD & DNB IN Ophthalmologist , anesthesia , Orthopedic surgeon , Respiratory medicine , gynecologist , Dermatology ,Pediatric, Cardiology, Neurology Obstetric, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Intensive care medicine and Plastic Surgery etc ) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MS , MD & DNB) .
Dentists : We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow. Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after BDS Degree and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MDS IN Dento-maxillofacial radiology ,Endodontic, Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oral medicine, Oral pathology ,Oral surgery ,Orthodontic , Paediatric dentistry ,Periodontics , Prosthodontics etc ) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MDS) ..
Medical Lab Technitians : We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow. Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after Diploma MLT / BSC MLT and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MSC MLT) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MSC MLT) ..
Pharmacists : We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow.. Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after Diploma in Pharmacist / BPHRMA and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MPHRMA) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MPHRMA) .
Radiographers: We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow.. Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after Diploma in Radiography / BSC and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MSC) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MSC) ..
Nurses: We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow.. Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after GNM/ BSC NURSING and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MSC NURSING) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MSC NURSING)
Physiotherapists : We assist you to complete procedure exam registration after completion of data flow.. Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after BACHLOR IN PHYSIOTHERPY and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MASTER IN PHYSIOTHERAPHY ) for DHA , MOH AND HAAD Examination. For Qatar , Oman and Saudi candidate must have Three yrs of experience after Graduation and post graduation( MASTER IN PHYSIOTHERAPHY ) .
Allied Professionals : We also assist for this allied professionals Anesthesia technician ,Anesthesiologist assistant, Art therapist/art psychotherapist, Athletic trainer, Audiologist, Autotransfusionist, Cardiovascular technologist, Clinical laboratory scientist, Clinical neurophysiology, Clinical officer,Dental hygienist, Dietitian/nutritionist, Occupational therapist ,Electrocardiogram technician, Electrocardiogram technician, Emergency medical technician , Environmental health officer , Exercise physiologist , Lactation consultant, Medical assistant, Medical coder, Medical laboratory scientist, Medical radiation scientist , Medical transcriptionist , Music therapist , Occupational therapist,
Optometrist, Orthoptist , Orthotist/prosthetist, Paramedic , Pedorthist, Pedorthist, Perfusionist, Phlebotomist, Physical therapist/physiotherapist, Physician Assistant, Public health epidemiologist , Radiographer (including specialist radiographers e.g. angiographer, mammographer, etc.), Radiotherapist/radiation therapist/medical dosimetrist, Recreational therapist, Rehabilitation counselor, Renal dialysis technologist./